7 May 2024 – Trip day 37
On May 7th we packed up to head west toward Arizona. Here is a look at the post cards that we got from White Sands. Their selection wasn’t that broad, but the cards are nice.
We arrived at the camp site and began to set up. Randal helped supervise the activities.
A view of our camp site at the Dave’s Mountain view Jerkey and RV camp ground. Typically Arizona, gravel, dirt, and mountains.
Ducky was playing soccer and had kicked the ball off to the side. There were some other people and they were walking some pit bulls. Ducky was a bit upset that he had to come back and was very pouty about the whole affair.
Arizona sunset.
The mountains at sunset.
We were, of course, joined by the ever present trains. There was a lot of train traffic, but fortunately it was not very noisy as they did not sound their horns.
Final sunset.
Our microwave glass tray did not survive the trip. It finally yeeted its last. It had yeeted out of the microwave several times, but it had survived. This time, it did not, and it took out several other glass dishes from the drawer below the oven, which tended to slide open during travel.
24 May 08 – Trip day 38
The next morning we proceeded westward, towards Tucson, Arizona. We had several hills to climb over, but overall a short drive at around 120 miles.
Meagan and the kids stopped at a rest area on the way for a bathroom break and a bit of rock and tree climbing.
Arya never saw a tree that she didn’t want to climb.
Arriving at our destination, an AirBNB, we began to unload the RV. It took a little longer than planned, so we shifted the drop off time to the next day with the repair place.
Dinner on the back porch with the Saguaro cacti in the background. The kids were very excited about getting to be in a house, or perhaps, not the RV, for a little while. The biggest thing they were excited about was being able to take baths, followed by being able to run around.
09 May 2024 – Trip day 39
I dropped off Big Country to get repaired. It was a bit of a sad moment leaving Big Country behind, but it is all for the better. We should hear next week (on Monday, May 13, 2024) on the status and hopefully when the repairs will be completed.
After dropping off Big Country, I set up our Starlink at the house with my backup cable. The house internet is a wireless internet which tested out around 2 MBps, which while ok, is not great.
I would set up Starlink and boom, we’d be in business. Except that it booted up and promptly lost connection with the antenna. Periodically, it would reconnect. I turned the antenna and came back later to find it aligned, but not connecting. I ordered another cable, and we are eagerly awaiting that.
A contemplative Duck in the evening. He was looking out through the fencing while I sorted out various things from Big Country.
Sunset on the evening of the 9th, with a view of one of the Saguaro cacti that surrounded the yard.
Baby Randal was pretty happy with the whole affair!
10 May 2024 – Trip day 40
We woke up to find some of the flowers on the big saguaro had opened overnight. They only stay open for a short time, opening at night and closing by the next afternoon.
Apparently, these cacti have to grow for about 35 years before they flower, and 60-70 before they grow arms, living to around 150-200 years old.
We took the day off mostly, sorting through all of our stuff that we moved out of Big Country. We took the opportunity to winnow down some clothes and identify things we could get rid of. Living in the RV with limited space necessitates a minimalist life style, as well as weight considerations for the trailer.
Randal enjoyed his breakfast on the back porch.
Ducky was practicing his writing on the chalkboard. He was getting into writing his letters. I offered to help him, but he didn’t want it (yet). Soon, though!
Gambit was being weird and started nomming Meagan’s hair. He’s a weird cat.
We made an evening trip to the local Costco for dinner and a resupply run.
We have enjoyed these much needed days of rest. We’ll take the weekend off and then we’ll be back at it next week. We’ll also hopefully have a timeline update on Big Country. The initial estimate over the phone was two weeks, so we’ll see what they come back with next week.