About this blog

This site is about our family’s journey to find and build our homestead. We chose the name ‘Wolf and Raven’ as Alan has adopted the wolf as a totem, and Megan has chosen the raven as her totem.

We invite you to follow along on our journey as we explore home schooling and living our best lives!

We have considered a number of things to assist in the running of the blog, between ads, affiliate links, and the like, as hosting is not free. Meagan and I have decided that we will not be messing with those items for the time being, but rather allow the option for monthly support by way of Patreon for those that wish to contribute. If you like what you see and and are inclined to support, we thank you for your support. You can support the site through Patreon with a monthly donation.

If you are not on our card/mailing list, and would like to be (and are known to us), please feel free to reach out. If you have our email or phone, you may use those or the contact form on the blog to send us an email and Alan or Meagan will reach out to you to confirm your address.