7 June 2024 – Trip day 68
As part of our refactor of the trip due to repairs in Tucson, I added a stop for a few days at Holbrook, AZ which is right next to the Petrified Forest National Park.
We stopped in at the visitor center for the kids to turn in their books – we had printed them out ahead of time.
There must have been some remodeling or something going on, as the visitor center was very small, mostly just a store with a couple of volunteers working a card table handing out information. The main door entrance was very narrow – so narrow we could not get the wagon through. We had to take the wagon around the side of the building to the accessible entrance and come in that way.
Randal enjoyed exploring the store. There were some stuffed animals and puzzles he was all about grabbing.
Evan turns in his book to get his badge. He had a little attitude about completing it, but he did eventually finish it under threat of us leaving and him not being able to turn it in.
The crew posing on a petrified tree laid out in front of the visitor center building.
The biggest attraction of the park was a scenic drive.
As we embarked on the scenic drive, of 22 miles or so, we were greeted with sweeping vistas of the various geologic formations in the Monument.
A little ways into the drive, we arrived at the ruins of a village that was occupied around the time of the other pueblo settlements.
There were numerous petroglyphs present at the site as well.
Although the clouds came in and helped cool us off a bit, it was still plenty hot.
Free baby!
I have video of the scenic drive which I will edit together later, capturing the scenery.
Thanks for reading!
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