Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument

5 Aug 2024 – Trip Day 127

After hanging out with the grandparents, we ventured forth to the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument. This site is a bit unusual, in that the actual site is not co-located with the visitor center. We drove out to the site and were a little baffled when we first arrived that there was no visitor center. The drive took us out by the Snake River through some pretty country.

 A sign at the parking lot in the actual monument. There was a hike that we didn’t do, we elected to drive into town to the visitor center before they closed so the kids could get their Junior Ranger programs done.

We arrived at the visitor center and found that it was co-located with and run the the Thousand Springs Idaho State Park and the State Park personnel. They were very excited to see us there!

 Alan is posing with a replica sloth skull. The Ranger had me hold it up to represent the approximate height of the prehistoric ground sloths for the kids.

 A mammoth skull, among others, were on display. It was fun playing keep away with Randal!

 Evan and Arya work on their books. We also watched the park video. They had a table set up where a lady was preparing replica specimens for display.

 Garrett and Randal enjoy some time outside in the grassy field surrounding the building. The flowers were much more fun than the fossils – Mom and Dad would let them play with the dandelions!

 The staff kindly took our family picture by the mammoth skull.

 We also tried to take a picture by the prehistoric horse. Ducky was in his shy mood and tried to run away (again)!

 After we were done at the Fossil Beds, we returned to the RV Park. Big Sis takes Randal for a ride on the swings – one of his favorite things to do!

 Granny helps Garrett out with a ‘clink clink clink’ super swing.

 After a turn on the swing, Randal gets his dig on and explore the depths of the sand box.

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