2022 In Review

Dear Friends and Family,

Welcome to our 2022 year in review letter! We are trying something a little different this year. We have decided to start a new blog for our new family adventures.  The old blog, if you were familiar with it, is still up for now, but will probably go into archives before long.

This year’s letter is a bit later than we would have liked.  The story starts at the end of 2022 when we sold our home in New Jersey and hit the road in the RV.  The last few months have been very busy and some unexpected family issues came up which contributed to the delays. Then, after the family matters were handled, it was on to the move.  I spent February back on the road moving our household goods out of New Jersey. That took pretty much all of February and we had some other affairs to settle in early March.  That is all done now, and so without further delay, let’s get to 2022 in review!

We took over 10,000 pictures in 2022.  Below is a small selection of them and some notes about events that occurred.

For each of the below pictures, you may click through to a higher resolution picture.  Click once to go to the picture comment page, a second time on the image for the high resolution image.

This post may contain affiliate links.

January 2022


Jarek and Arya standing next to their tower
Jarek and Arya standing next to their tower


Arya and Evan standing next to their tower
Arya and Evan standing next to their tower


The kids welcomed 2022 with a construction competition to see who could build the tallest tower using the magnetic blocks we had.


Garrett smiling on the changing table. Garrett is 4 months old in this picture.  He is a happy baby and very chill.
Garrett smiling on the changing table. Garrett is 4 months old in this picture.  He is a happy baby and very chill.



Meagan, Jarek, and Evan hanging out in our play area next to our Yule tree.  This was one of the larger trees we have had as a family.
Meagan, Jarek, and Evan hanging out in our play area next to our Yule tree.  This was one of the larger trees we have had as a family.


There was a dusting of snow that came through.  It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for the kids to go sledding.
There was a dusting of snow that came through.  It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough for the kids to go sledding.


They had a great time going up and down the hills. This was a nice opportunity for the kids to get out and play during winter.
They had a great time going up and down the hills. This was a nice opportunity for the kids to get out and play during winter.


Arya (and the other children) loved to help hold Garrett.
Arya (and the other children) loved to help hold Garrett.


Garrett snuggles with big brother Evan and Gambit.
Garrett snuggles with big brother Evan and Gambit.


Grandma cuddles with Garrett.
Grandma cuddles with Garrett.


Jarek cuddles with Garrett. Our massive Yule tree is in the background. We sourced it from a tree farm not far from our house.
Jarek cuddles with Garrett. Our massive Yule tree is in the background. We sourced it from a tree farm not far from our house.


Gizmo took up residence in Meagan's wardrobe.  She had enough of the cold weather.
Gizmo took up residence in Meagan’s wardrobe.  She had enough of the cold weather.


We played a family Dungeons and Dragons game.  These sessions were good for the kids' math skills.  They really helped out Arya and Evan with addition.  They were good for Jarek as well, as he loved figuring out all the parts of the game.  Grandma would join us via phone for our sessions, hence the speaker on the table.
We played a family Dungeons and Dragons game.  These sessions were good for the kids’ math skills.  They really helped out Arya and Evan with addition.  They were good for Jarek as well, as he loved figuring out all the parts of the game.  Grandma would join us via phone for our sessions, hence the speaker on the table.


A happy moment between Evan and Garrett.
A happy moment between Evan and Garrett.


Evan holding a Guinea pig at Santino's birthday party.
Evan holding a Guinea pig at Santino’s birthday party.


Santino's birthday party
Santino’s birthday party


Santino's birthday party - Jarek holding a snake
Santino’s birthday party – Jarek holding a snake


Meagan holding a python at Santino's birthday party
Meagan holding a python at Santino’s birthday party


Firefly checking in on Garrett and making sure he is nice and warm. Firefly has a very good mothering instinct and has cared for all of the kids.
Firefly checking in on Garrett and making sure he is nice and warm. Firefly has a very good mothering instinct and has cared for all of the kids.


Jarek climbing and exploring at the Historic Smithville Park in New Jersey
Jarek climbing and exploring at the Historic Smithville Park in New Jersey


View from the head of the table. Meagan is sitting as the Dungeon Master running the game. The kids are around the table playing and Grandma is on the phone.
View from the head of the table. Meagan is sitting as the Dungeon Master running the game. The kids are around the table playing and Grandma is on the phone.


Jarek and Evan shoveling snow on our deck in New Jersey.
Jarek and Evan shoveling snow on our deck in New Jersey.


Our snow clearing team posing on the deck.
Our snow clearing team posing on the deck.


Arya enjoying playing in the fresh snow at our home in New Jersey.
Arya enjoying playing in the fresh snow at our home in New Jersey.


Back out to the sledding hill after the fresh snow. Here Alan is building a snowman with Arya.
Back out to the sledding hill after the fresh snow. Here Alan is building a snowman with Arya.


Making fresh snow candy. We read about this in the Little House on the Prairie, where the Ingalls family would pour warmed molasses into fresh snow to make a molasses candy.
Making fresh snow candy. We read about this in the Little House on the Prairie, where the Ingalls family would pour warmed molasses into fresh snow to make a molasses candy.


Evan's 5th birthday. Arya and Evan are working decorating on his rice crispy birthday cake.
Evan’s 5th birthday. Arya and Evan are working decorating on his rice crispy birthday cake.



February 2022

February brought more sledding, but not a lot more snow, the Pinewood Derby, and retirement preparations for Alan.

Back out at Pricket's Mill park for more sledding.
Back out at Pricket’s Mill park for more sledding.


Garrett chilling with Daddy at the table.
Garrett chilling with Alan at the table.
Family DND night is a staple of our weekly routine.
Family DND night is a staple of our weekly routine.
Sleepy peanut and Meagan relaxing in front of our wood burning insert.
Sleepy peanut and Meagan relaxing in front of our wood burning insert.
February was also pinewood derby preparation month. Alan helped out the kids performing the rough cuts and design on their pinewood derby cars for Cub Scouts.
February was also pinewood derby preparation month. Alan helped out the kids performing the rough cuts and design on their pinewood derby cars for Cub Scouts.
Kids working on their cars after the big cuts.
Kids working on their cars after the big cuts.
Family night out to Renault Winery in Egg Harbor, NJ. We went out to take the kids ice skating along with some of their fellow homeschoolers, but when we got there the ice was melting and slushy, so we opted to eat and make an evening of it.
Family night out to Renault Winery in Egg Harbor, NJ. We went out to take the kids ice skating along with some of their fellow homeschoolers, but when we got there the ice was melting and slushy, so we opted to eat and make an evening of it.
Garrett at six months. He continues to explore and grow.
Garrett at six months. He continues to explore and grow.
The finished products of the pinewood derby cars. Like most things, we should have started a bit earlier. Megan and I were up late finishing them up with all of the various performance enhancements. We discovered that there is quite the racing community built around pinewood derby competitions. Left to right, Evan's Car, Arya's Car, and Jarek's Car. Evan designed his around a basic car model. Arya went with the wedge, and Jarek wanted his to be like a missile.
The finished products of the pinewood derby cars. Like most things, we should have started a bit earlier. Megan and I were up late finishing them up with all of the various performance enhancements. We discovered that there is quite the racing community built around pinewood derby competitions. Left to right, Evan’s Car, Arya’s Car, and Jarek’s Car. Evan designed his around a basic car model. Arya went with the wedge, and Jarek wanted his to be like a missile.


March 2022

March brought us spring weather with plenty of activities to fill the days!

Garrett (6.5 mos) relaxing in the cradle built by his Grandfather. The cradle has been used by all of our children.
Garrett (6.5 mos) relaxing in the cradle built by his Grandfather, Don Johnson. The cradle has been used by all of our children.


Garrett coming over to check out his friend, baby Charlie, at one of their coop meetings. One time, Charlie was chewing on Meagan's finger, and Garrett was very upset about this, reaching and trying to keep him away and/or from hurting Meagan.
Garrett coming over to check out his friend, baby Charlie, at one of their coop meetings. One time, Charlie was chewing on Meagan’s finger, and Garrett was very upset about this, reaching and trying to keep him away and/or from hurting Meagan.


Arya at a pool for a coop swimming event.
Arya at a pool for a coop swimming event.


Arya at a pool for a coop swimming event with all of the coop kids.
Arya at a pool for a coop swimming event with all of the coop kids.


Homeschool coop hike to Smithfield Historic park. The Park has some very nice and easy to walk trails that wind through the woods and by a lake. An excellent opportunity for the children to see some wildlife.
Homeschool coop hike to Smithfield Historic park. The Park has some very nice and easy to walk trails that wind through the woods and by a lake. An excellent opportunity for the children to see some wildlife.


Jarek, Arya, and Evan partaking in one of their favorite pastimes - climbing trees.
Jarek, Arya, and Evan partaking in one of their favorite pastimes – climbing trees.


Pioneer days led by Mountain Man Ryan. The kids got to do some blacksmithing and use wood tools to split firewood and debark logs.
Pioneer days led by Mountain Man Ryan. The kids got to do some blacksmithing and use wood tools to split firewood and debark logs.


Jarek at the blacksmithing station. Jarek got to use the bellows and hammer some nails.
Jarek at the blacksmithing station. Jarek got to use the bellows and hammer some nails.
Jarek holding up a nail he made.
Jarek holding up a nail he made.


Arya using a draw knife to trim some wood.
Arya using a draw knife to trim some wood.


Arya working the saw on a log.
Arya working the saw on a log.


Jarek uses a hatchet to shape a pole.
Jarek uses a hatchet to shape a pole.


Meagan is still not enthralled about the cold weather in New Jersey.
Meagan is still not enthralled about the cold weather in New Jersey.


Evan helping to make scrambled eggs for breakfast. He has taken quite the liking to helping cook.
Evan helping to make scrambled eggs for breakfast. He has taken quite the liking to helping cook.


Garrett has slain some blueberries for a snack.
Garrett has slain some blueberries for a snack.
The children learned to play chess and enjoy playing each other. Now in 2023, they have started to play chess online with other people via a chess app on their tablets.
The children learned to play chess and enjoy playing each other. Now in 2023, they have started to play chess online with other people via a chess app on their tablets.
The Cub Scouts did a road clean up in Tabernacle, NJ. One of the other dads brought his utility truck to transport the crew.
The Cub Scouts did a road clean up in Tabernacle, NJ. One of the other dads brought his utility truck to transport the crew.
Arya at Alyssandra's 5th birthday party playing princess dress-up.
Arya at Alyssandra’s 5th birthday party playing princess dress-up.
Home School co-op event. The kids were starting seeds for their garden.
Home School co-op event. The kids were starting seeds for their garden.


April 2022

April is a month of big changes for us.  Alan held his retirement ceremony from the Navy and went on terminal leave (using up vacation days).  We had promised the kids a big RV trip after Alan was done with the Navy, and planning for that trip began.


Delicious home made bacon on the smoker. Far superior to any store bought bacon.
Delicious home made bacon on the smoker. Far superior to any store bought bacon.
Evan dyes some eggs while Bella and Arya watch.
Evan dyes some eggs while Bella and Arya watch.
Garrett is on the move looking for his Easter eggs!
Garrett is on the move looking for his Easter eggs!
Jarek and Arya are helping Alan stack some firewood. We had 20 face cords (racks) and we used about 2/3s of it over the winter with the wood burning insert.
Jarek and Arya are helping Alan stack some firewood. We had 20 face cords (racks) and we used about 2/3s of it over the winter with the wood burning insert.
Garden plot is all prepped for the season.
Garden plot is all prepped for the season.
Jarek, Arya, and Evan hanging out in a tree in the spring!
Jarek, Arya, and Evan hanging out in a tree in the spring!
Our neighbors wanted to cut down some trees. Alan cut them down and we took the wood. Here the trees are all cut up and ready for collection.
Our neighbors wanted to cut down some trees. Alan cut them down and we took the wood. Here the trees are all cut up and ready for collection.
Alan's truck is loaded up with firewood. Jarek, Arya, and Evan made quite the helper team moving the wood!
Alan’s truck is loaded up with firewood. Jarek, Arya, and Evan made quite the helper team moving the wood!
A happy Garrett figuring out his toys!
A happy Garrett figuring out his toys!


A homeschool rock climbing event. Arya heads up the wall!
A Home School rock climbing event. Arya heads up the wall!
A homeschool rock climbing event. Evan heads up the wall!
A Home School rock climbing event. Evan heads up the wall!
A homeschool rock climbing event. Jarek heads up the wall!
A homeschool rock climbing event. Jarek heads up the wall!
Ain't nothing but a thing. Evan quickly mastered the wall and made it to the top!
Ain’t nothing but a thing. Evan quickly mastered the wall and made it to the top!
Undaunted, Evan moved on to the harder wall and made it to the top!
Undaunted, Evan moved on to the harder wall and made it to the top!
With the warmer weather, we opened our pool up. The pool is one of the kids' favorite activities!
With the warmer weather, we opened our pool up. The pool is one of the kids’ favorite activities!

May 2022

The kids loved to play with Garrett. We set up a pen / play area in the living room for Garrett. He was OK with it for a bit, but then soon demanded to be released from his prison.
The kids loved to play with Garrett. We set up a pen / play area in the living room for Garrett. He was OK with it for a bit, but then soon demanded to be released from his prison.
A happy Garrett enjoying his breakfast of scrambled eggs!
A happy Garrett enjoying his breakfast of scrambled eggs!
Jarek and Arya were taking music lessons as part of their home school curriculum. We attended a free concert of the youth orchestra so they could see other kids performing at a high level.
Jarek and Arya were taking music lessons as part of their home school curriculum. We attended a free concert of the youth orchestra so they could see other kids performing at a high level.
A post retirement Alan and Meagan at the concert.
A post retirement Alan and Meagan at the concert.
Arya walking one of the Home School family's dog, Boo. We dog sat the dog for a few days while they were out of town.
Arya walking one of the Home School family’s dog, Boo. We dog sat the dog for a few days while they were out of town.
Garrett and Charlie, one of the Home School infants, playing together in the grass.
Garrett and Charlie, one of the Home School infants, playing together in the grass.
Alan took the Cub Scout den on a hike, but there had been significant rain and it flooded out the trails. This was at the Smithfield historical park.
Alan took the Cub Scout den on a hike, but there had been significant rain and it flooded out the trails. This was at the Smithfield historical park.
A view of the moon during the Lunar Eclipse taken from Alan's phone through the telescope.
A view of the moon during the Lunar Eclipse taken from Alan’s phone through the telescope.
Jarek takes a look at the moon through the telescope. Jarek is on crutches because he injured his knee and needed to stay off it.
Jarek takes a look at the moon through the telescope. Jarek is on crutches because he injured his knee and needed to stay off it.
Alan is lining up the telescope so the kids can get another look at the eclipse. Due to the constant motion of the Moon, keeping it in the field of view of the telescope requires frequent adjustments of the telescope. The kids would only have about 10 seconds at the highest magnification before the Moon would be out of view.
Alan is lining up the telescope so the kids can get another look at the eclipse. Due to the constant motion of the Moon, keeping it in the field of view of the telescope requires frequent adjustments of the telescope. The kids would only have about 10 seconds at the highest magnification before the Moon would be out of view.


A favorite for lunch - smoothies on the deck!
A favorite for lunch – smoothies on the deck!
Another Cub Scout adventure. This time, we went out to a Forest watch tower and learned about how the New Jersey state forest service watches out and responds to forest fires.
Another Cub Scout adventure. This time, we went out to a Forest watch tower and learned about how the New Jersey state forest service watches out and responds to forest fires.
A view of the forest fire watch tower from the ground.
A view of the forest fire watch tower from the ground.
The kids made it to the top! It is a bit crowded up there with all the kids, and not very big to start, but it does offer quite the view.
The kids made it to the top! It is a bit crowded up there with all the kids, and not very big to start, but it does offer quite the view.
The view from the forest fire watch tower.
The view from the forest fire watch tower.
Evan helps cut the fence for the installation of our automatic chicken coop door. Both he and Arya wanted to help with the installation.
Evan helps cut the fence for the installation of our automatic chicken coop door. Both he and Arya wanted to help with the installation.
Arya helps cut the fence for the installation of our automatic chicken coop door. Both she and Evan wanted to help with the installation.
Arya helps cut the fence for the installation of our automatic chicken coop door. Both she and Evan wanted to help with the installation.
Obligatory spring time head shots!
Obligatory spring time head shots!
Obligatory spring time head shots!
Obligatory spring time head shots!
A small Garrett head peeks over the crib rail. Looks like nap time is over!
A small Garrett head peeks over the crib rail. Looks like nap time is over!
Garrett isn't ready for the big pool yet, but that doesn't stop him. He gets his own personal pool with brother and sister to play with him!
Garrett isn’t ready for the big pool yet, but that doesn’t stop him. He gets his own personal pool with brother and sister to play with him!
Play date at a fellow Home School family's residence/farm. The kids got to get up close with some sheep and explore the farm!
Play date at a fellow Home School family’s residence/farm. The kids got to get up close with some sheep and explore the farm!
What's the best thing to play with on a farm? The giant pile of dirt? You got it!
What’s the best thing to play with on a farm? The giant pile of dirt? You got it!
Excavating for rocks in the sand pile. The kids love to dig and build forts.
Excavating for rocks in the sand pile. The kids love to dig and build forts.
Memorial Day flag placement at the BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This took place Friday of Memorial Day weekend and was a rainy event.
Memorial Day flag placement at the BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This took place Friday of Memorial Day weekend and was a rainy event.
Evan places a flag during the Memorial Day flag placement at the BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This took place Friday of Memorial Day weekend and was a rainy event.
Evan places a flag during the Memorial Day flag placement at the BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This took place Friday of Memorial Day weekend and was a rainy event.
Tabernacle, NJ Memorial Day parade. Jarek led up the Cub Scout pack and carried the unit flag.
Tabernacle, NJ Memorial Day parade. Jarek led up the Cub Scout pack and carried the unit flag.
Alan took advantage of a free day to start restaining the deck. Arya helped Alan a bit painting the stain on the deck.
Alan took advantage of a free day to start restaining the deck. Arya helped Alan a bit painting the stain on the deck.


June 2022

Garrett almost has this walking thing down!
Garrett almost has this walking thing down!
All loaded up and ready to go! We are off to a Home School camping weekend at the Sea Pirate campground! This serves as a warm up before our big RV trip departure in the middle of June.
All loaded up and ready to go! We are off to a Home School camping weekend at the Sea Pirate campground! This serves as a warm up before our big RV trip departure in the middle of June.
All hooked up and ready to go!
All hooked up and ready to go!
Playing at the beach!
Playing at the beach!
Garrett is all about relaxing on the sand!
Garrett is all about relaxing on the sand!
Jarek put on a violin performance at the campground for our group.
Jarek put on a violin performance at the campground for our group.
Arya helped out by holding his music for him in a pinch!
Arya helped out by holding his music for him in a pinch!
The Home School crew took a hike out to the wetlands.
The Home School crew took a hike out to the wetlands.
Family time around our Hot Shot fire pit and roasting marshmallows and hot dogs!
Family time around our Hot Shot fire pit and roasting marshmallows and hot dogs!
Choose the form of your destructor! Garrett came across one of the kid's massive Lego "RVs" that they built and promptly dismantled it.
Choose the form of your destructor! Garrett came across one of the kid’s massive Lego “RVs” that they built and promptly dismantled it.
Off to the U-pick farm for some fresh vegetables!
Off to the U-pick farm for some fresh vegetables!
Turnips straight from the source!
Turnips straight from the source!
`The kids were very excited about picking their own!
The kids were very excited about picking their own!
Garrett enjoys some outside time and supervises the activities.
Garrett enjoys some outside time and supervises the activities.
Too big for a lap ride, Arya gets a little experience driving the mower around the yard!
Too big for a lap ride, Arya gets a little experience driving the mower around the yard!


Cub Scout summer camp weekend!

Jarek takes aim at the archery range.
Jarek takes aim at the archery range.
The Scouts gather around before going on a nature walk to learn about the local flora and fauna.
The Scouts gather around before going on a nature walk to learn about the local flora and fauna.
Alan, now in full retirement beard, and Garrett chill at camp and supervise the camp fire.
Alan, now in full retirement beard, and Garrett chill at camp and supervise the camp fire.
The Scouts were pleasantly surprised to have a wonderful rainbow at the end of the day!
The Scouts were pleasantly surprised to have a wonderful rainbow at the end of the day!
The crew all crashed out in our tent. We used a 10 man Coleman tent for the family camping adventure.
The crew all crashed out in our tent. We used a 10 man Coleman tent for the family camping adventure.


After our two weekend camping trips, it was time to get ready for our long awaited RV trip.  We planned the route out to do a couple things, visit friends along the way, see a variety of National Parks and Monuments and Little House on the Prairie locations, and of course to get ideas on where, and just as importantly, where we did not wish to settle down.

The below map is the main route of where we went, but does not include every stop.


An important part of any trip is preparation. We had some pork butts and a brisket in the freezer. I smoked them and then packed them into vacuum seal bags for the trip.
An important part of any trip is preparation. We had some pork butts and a brisket in the freezer. Alan smoked them and then packed them into vacuum seal bags for the trip.
I'd love to say that the trip started off smoothly, but it didn't. We got off to a late start, much later than we wanted to. We arrived at the campground outside of Gettysburg, PA late at night and made a wrong turn, not realizing where we were supposed to go. This resulted in us taking the RV through some places that weren't meant for it, and we contacted a tree and drug the awning a bit. Fortunately, it was not catastrophic damage and we were able to continue the trip, although we ended up loosing the awning for the trip. As you can see in this picture, we were unable to open one of our slides to the bedroom until it was removed. We employed a local mobile RV repair and made temporary repairs and continued on with the trip.
I’d love to say that the trip started off smoothly, but it didn’t. We got off to a late start, much later than we wanted to. We arrived at the campground outside of Gettysburg, PA late at night and made a wrong turn, not realizing where we were supposed to go. This resulted in us taking the RV through some places that weren’t meant for it, and we contacted a tree and drug the awning a bit. Fortunately, it was not catastrophic damage and we were able to continue the trip, although we ended up loosing the awning for the trip. As you can see in this picture, we were unable to open one of our slides to the bedroom until it was removed. We employed a local mobile RV repair and made temporary repairs and continued on with the trip.
RV crashing shenanigans aside, the kids loved the water park!
RV crashing shenanigans aside, the kids loved the water park!
Arya enjoying the water park at the RV resort.
Arya enjoying the water park at the RV resort.
A passed out Garrett, Daddy, and Firefly.
A passed out Garrett, Daddy, and Firefly.
Off to Gettysburg National Military Park. It was a rather warm day, and the kids weren't thrilled, but we had a good time.
Off to Gettysburg National Military Park. It was a rather warm day, and the kids weren’t thrilled, but we had a good time.
Inside the cyclorama at Gettysburg National Military Park.
Inside the cyclorama at Gettysburg National Military Park.
A view from one of the observation towers at Gettysburg National Military Park.
A view from one of the observation towers at Gettysburg National Military Park.
Evan and Garrett had their fill of the heat and the sights. We did the rest of the driving tour in the car with the audio accompaniment.
Evan and Garrett had their fill of the heat and the sights. We did the rest of the driving tour in the car with the audio accompaniment.
Jarek and Arya at Little Round Top.
Jarek and Arya at Little Round Top.
Garrett gets in some quality reading time.
Garrett gets in some quality reading time.
Adding West Virginia to the RV map.
Adding Pennsylvania to the RV map.
On the road again, rest stop on the way to West Virginia.
On the road again, rest stop on the way to West Virginia.
Pit stop in a vacant parking lot / strip mall. As you can see, we brought the kid's bikes with us as well.
Pit stop in a vacant parking lot / strip mall. As you can see, we brought the kid’s bikes with us as well.
At the Lincoln Birthplace National Monument. The kids were working on their Junior Ranger workbooks and Garrett was getting into mischief in the background. This was a mock up of the cabin with displays of various period implements of life.
At the Lincoln Birthplace National Monument. The kids were working on their Junior Ranger workbooks and Garrett was getting into mischief in the background. This was a mock up of the cabin with displays of various period implements of life.
At the nearby Sinking Spring.
At the nearby Sinking Spring.
At the steps of the First Lincoln Memorial.
At the steps of the First Lincoln Memorial.
Back at the campground, it was S'mores time!
Back at the campground, it was S’mores time!
Garrett wrestles with big brother and sister!
Garrett wrestles with big brother and sister!
This is the best watermelon ever!!
This is the best watermelon ever!!
Arriving in Cave City, KY, we swung by the local Mammoth Cave Wild Life Museum. It was a surprisingly good visit with quite the array of birds, animals, and insects. The kids really enjoyed it and got to see all the different types of animals.
Arriving in Cave City, KY, we swung by the local Mammoth Cave Wild Life Museum. It was a surprisingly good visit with quite the array of birds, animals, and insects. The kids really enjoyed it and got to see all the different types of animals.
Then it was off to our scheduled tour of Mammoth Cave. This tour was the extended Historical Tour. These are just a few selected pictures of the trips. First stop - the Bottomless Pit.
Then it was off to our scheduled tour of Mammoth Cave. This tour was the Extended Historical Tour. These are just a few selected pictures of the trips. First stop – the Bottomless Pit.
Fat Man's Misery is a narrow passage between the rocks.
Fat Man’s Misery is a narrow passage between the rocks.
Family shot in front of one of the waterfall formations.
Family shot in front of one of the waterfall formations.
The kids with our Ranger who happily answered all of their questions, questions, and more questions. Evan may have had a crush as well!
The kids with our Ranger who happily answered all of their questions, questions, and more questions. Evan may have had a crush as well!
Sunset over the RV park in Cave City, KY.
Sunset over the RV park in Cave City, KY.
Mammoth Cave , the second day. The kids are working on their Junior Ranger badges for Mammoth Cave.
Mammoth Cave , the second day. The kids are working on their Junior Ranger badges for Mammoth Cave.
Day 2 was the Domes and Dripstones tour at Mammoth Cave.
Day 2 was the Domes and Dripstones tour at Mammoth Cave.
Lots of steep steps on this tour.
Lots of steep steps on this tour.


The Mammoth cave visit was great and a highlight of the trip.  Alan took this tour when I was about Jarek’s age many years ago.  Back then, there were no cell phone and smart watches.  At one point on the tour, they do a lights out demonstration, where the effect was spoiled by everyone’s smart watches and phones lighting up the area.  That said, the phones did a great job with the low light photography and came out with some amazing pictures.

Complete at Mammoth cave, we proceeded a few hours down the road to Nashville, TN.

After getting to Nashville, we went shopping for a patio tent that could serve as a replacement for our missing awning. We discovered this tent, which we named the "octopus" after an online review which described trying to set it up as fighting with an angry octopus. It has a nice coverage and allowed us to put a picnic table inside it (or our fold up chairs) and keep out of the rain and keep the bugs to a minimum.
After getting to Nashville, we went shopping for a patio tent that could serve as a replacement for our missing awning. We discovered this tent, which we named the “octopus” after an online review which described trying to set it up as fighting with an angry octopus. It has a nice coverage and allowed us to put a picnic table inside it (or our fold up chairs) and keep out of the rain and keep the bugs to a minimum.
We were shopping at Cabela's and Garret was a fan of the aquarium they had in the store.
We were shopping at Cabela’s and Garret was a fan of the aquarium they had in the store.
Mandatory picture by the bear in the store.
Mandatory picture by the bear in the store.
Dinner in the octopus!
Dinner in the octopus!
We stayed at Nashville Shores RV Resort, which was co-adjacent to a water park. The kids had a great time at the water park and loved to spend the days there.
We stayed at Nashville Shores RV Resort, which was co-adjacent to a water park. The kids had a great time at the water park and loved to spend the days there.
The kids made use of a tire swing they found at the playground.
The kids made use of a tire swing they found at the playground.
On the way back from exploring, we observed an impromptu fireworks show!
On the way back from exploring, we observed an impromptu fireworks show!
Back at the camp ground, they kids learned a little bit about fishing from some neighboring campers.
Back at the camp ground, they kids learned a little bit about fishing from some neighboring campers.
We stopped by a historical village in Nashville, however it was closed for the day when we visited. They did have some beautiful bushes in bloom.
We stopped by a historical village in Nashville, however it was closed for the day when we visited. They did have some beautiful bushes in bloom.
Garrett loves exploring the truck!
Garrett loves exploring the truck!
We stopped by Sorrell's Pizza, a small restaurant in Eagleville, TN. We had been out exploring the country side all day and opted to eat at a local place. We had a great meal and enjoyed the small town charm and hospitality!
We stopped by Sorrell’s Pizza, a small restaurant in Eagleville, TN. We had been out exploring the country side all day and opted to eat at a local place. We had a great meal and enjoyed the small town charm and hospitality!
Our visit to Stones River National Battlefield.
Our visit to Stones River National Battlefield.
Jarek and Arya examining the cannon at Stones River National Battlefield.
Jarek and Arya examining the cannon at Stones River National Battlefield.
Back at the campground, the kids made fast friends with kids a few spots down and had a great time playing.
Back at the campground, the kids made fast friends with kids a few spots down and had a great time playing.
Another challenge! Builds character! We were driving to the mall to go shopping when the truck threw a bunch of codes and went into immediate stop mode. One of the Exhaust Gas Temperature sensors failed and indicated a overtemp condition. We were very fortunate for a nice lady stopped by and picked up Meagan and the kids and took them back to the camp ground. I stayed with the truck and got it towed to a local dealer to get repaired. Fortunately, we were able to get back on the road with only a few hours delay to our schedule. The kids didn't mind all that much - They got to spend the next few days at the water park.
Another challenge! Builds character! We were driving to the mall to go shopping when the truck threw a bunch of codes and went into immediate stop mode. One of the Exhaust Gas Temperature sensors failed and indicated a overtemp condition. We were very fortunate for a nice lady stopped by and picked up Meagan and the kids and took them back to the camp ground. Alan stayed with the truck and got it towed to a local dealer to get repaired. Fortunately, we were able to get back on the road with only a few hours delay to our schedule. The kids didn’t mind all that much – They got to spend the next few days at the water park.
Making the best of lemons - spending the day at the water park in the wave pool.
Making the best of lemons – spending the day at the water park in the wave pool.
Garrett surveys the wave pool and can't wait to go splash!
Garrett surveys the wave pool and can’t wait to go splash!
Back from the shop, we packed up and headed out on the road. We drove east to a camp site outside of Sevierville, TN where we would spend the Forth of July weekend. Here, Jarek is helping me set up the jack pads before we setup the RV.
Back from the shop, we packed up and headed out on the road. We drove east to a camp site outside of Sevierville, TN where we would spend the Forth of July weekend. Here, Jarek is helping me set up the jack pads before we setup the RV.


July 2022

We met up with Karl Denninger for good food, conversation, and axe throwing!
We met up with Karl Denninger for good food, conversation, and axe throwing!


Garrett enjoyed the show!Garrett enjoyed the show!

We explored around Sevierville and Gatlinburg, and had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. The kids discovered the playground pirate ship and thought it was the best.
We explored around Sevierville and Gatlinburg, and had dinner at Joe’s Crab Shack. The kids discovered the playground pirate ship and thought it was the best.
We toured the countryside of eastern TN. We have been looking at that area as a place to live and start a homestead. We did enjoy the countryside very much.
We toured the countryside of eastern TN. We have been looking at that area as a place to live and start a homestead. We did enjoy the countryside very much.
Dinner at Aubrey's, a local diner chain. Delicious food all around!
Dinner at Aubrey’s, a local diner chain. Delicious food all around!
Gizmo just wants a safe space to hang out at.
Gizmo just wants a safe space to hang out at.
We took a day to visit Cade's Cove, part of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Cade's Cove is part of the park that was annexed in the early part of the 1900s, and has some preserved examples of log cabin and early frontier living.
We took a day to visit Cade’s Cove, part of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Cade’s Cove is part of the park that was annexed in the early part of the 1900s, and has some preserved examples of log cabin and early frontier living.
Cade's Cove across the valley.
Cade’s Cove across the valley.
When we got to the visitor's center, partway through the driving tour, there was an opportunity for the kids to help out with the Rangers and do some counting of critters in the river. They were able to catch some fish and river insects and learn about them.
When we got to the visitor’s center, partway through the driving tour, there was an opportunity for the kids to help out with the Rangers and do some counting of critters in the river. They were able to catch some fish and river insects and learn about them.
Garrett also enjoyed the creek!
Garrett also enjoyed the creek!
Jarek and Arya examining their finds.
Jarek and Arya examining their finds.
We took a tour of one of their period buildings accompanied by a live performance of a period musical instrument, a form of early guitar.
We took a tour of one of their period buildings accompanied by a live performance of a period musical instrument, a form of early guitar.
Evan was ready for the festivities on July 4th! We were hosted by Karl Denninger, of the Market Ticker blog. A big thanks to him for hosting us!
Evan was ready for the festivities on July 4th! We were hosted by Karl Denninger, of the Market Ticker blog. A big thanks to him for hosting us!
We took a day and went to downtown Knoxville. The kids had fun playing in one of the fountains / water features they had.
We took a day and went to downtown Knoxville. The kids had fun playing in one of the fountains / water features they had.
A nice rainbow that we saw on the road.
A nice rainbow that we saw on the road.
Falls Park in Greenville, SC. Here we met up with and were hosted by another acquaintance of ours.
Falls Park in Greenville, SC. Here we met up with and were hosted by another acquaintance of ours.
Mrs. Susan shows the kids some plants and other critters living in her garden.
Mrs. Susan shows the kids some plants and other critters living in her garden.
Garrett had a great time with the chair. He's ready to dance!
Garrett had a great time with the chair. He’s ready to dance!
Sunset on the road.
Sunset on the road back to Florida.
Maintenance time in Florida. After we got to FL, it was time for maintenance. Our water valve failed. I ordered a replacement valve ahead and replaced the valve. It made for a few days of annoyance where we could not have the water on all the time, as it would fill the onboard tank continuously.
Maintenance time in Florida. After we got to FL, it was time for maintenance. Our water valve failed. Alan ordered a replacement valve ahead and replaced the valve. It made for a few days of annoyance where we could not have the water on all the time, as it would fill the onboard tank continuously.
I took the opportunity to also replace the on board 12VDC water pump. The Shurflo pump that was installed was leaking somewhat randomly when it ran and/or felt like it. I replaced it with another Shurflow, but that started leaking shortly after install as well. I ended up replacing it with a US Adventure Gear 3500 model. That one has worked great since.
Alan took the opportunity to also replace the on board 12VDC water pump. The Shurflo pump that was installed was leaking somewhat randomly when it ran and/or felt like it. Alan replaced it with another Shurflo, but that started leaking shortly after install as well. Alan ended up replacing it with a US Adventure Gear 3500 model. That one has worked great since.
The kids went to the beach and met up with their cousin, Jimmy.
The kids went to the beach and met up with their cousin, Jimmy.
Treats with Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda!
Treats with Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda!
A little more RV maintenance. Washing the RV and cleaning off the mildew and dirt from the last few years. Evan got into it and helped out.
A little more RV maintenance. Washing the RV and cleaning off the mildew and dirt from the last few years. Evan got into it and helped out.
We were over with our friends, Mark and Jill, playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons. Garrett was in his chair and would make a fuss any time Meagan walked by. So, in order to go to the bathroom without having to hear the fuss, she covered her head with a bag. Garrett watched her come and go, trying to figure out what happened, but made no fuss! Successful stealth roll!
We were over with our friends, Mark and Jill, playing a game of Dungeons & Dragons. Garrett was in his chair and would make a fuss any time Meagan walked by. So, in order to go to the bathroom without having to hear the fuss, she covered her head with a bag. Garrett watched her come and go, trying to figure out what happened, but made no fuss! Successful stealth roll!
Patient Zero here. Arya was riding her bike and hit a gatorade bottle, which caused her to have a crash. The kids came running in to let us know, and everyone sprang into action. Andy, the resident nurse, took quick care of her. Despite all the blood, all she had was a small cut on her forehead about 1/4 inch long. She wanted a picture to send to Grandma at the time.
Patient Zero here. Arya was riding her bike and hit a gatorade bottle, which caused her to have a crash. The kids came running in to let us know, and everyone sprang into action. Andy, the resident nurse, took quick care of her. Despite all the blood, all she had was a small cut on her forehead about 1/4 inch long. She wanted a picture to send to Grandma at the time.
Akaya Sushi dinner with the crew! Fantastic sushi and great company!
Akaya Sushi dinner with the crew! Fantastic sushi and great company!
The local Tree Monkeys in their natural habitat.
The local Tree Monkeys in their natural habitat.
Pool party! We celebrated Jarek's birthday early and had a great time in the pool.
Pool party! We celebrated Jarek’s birthday early and had a great time in the pool.
Cake and candles!
Cake and candles!
Off to Kingsley Lake at Camp Blanding. We met up with our friends from the New Jersey RV park, Chris and Sara and their children. We had a great time at the lake.
Off to Kingsley Lake at Camp Blanding. We met up with our friends from the New Jersey RV park, Chris and Sara and their children. We had a great time at the lake.
Meagan and Garrett at Kingsley Lake.
Meagan and Garrett at Kingsley Lake.
Kid-pile in the lake!
Kid-pile in the lake!
Group shot of everyone! Until next time!
Group shot of everyone! Until next time!
Farewell breakfast at First Watch in Oak Leaf. Good times were had by all and we look forward to returning!
Farewell breakfast at First Watch in Oak Leaf. Good times were had by all and we look forward to returning!
Leaving Jacksonville, we headed up to Valdosta, GA. We met up with some of our SCA friends. Jarek got to try on some of the equipment and different types of armor. Here Jarek is trying on a Lamellar coat.
Leaving Jacksonville, we headed up to Valdosta, GA. We met up with some of our SCA friends. Jarek got to try on some of the equipment and different types of armor. Here Jarek is trying on a Lamellar coat.
Jarek in a chain mail shirt.
Jarek in a chain mail shirt.
While in Valdosta, Meagan met up with her long time friend, Barron. We spent the day hanging out and catching up.
While in Valdosta, Meagan met up with her long time friend, Barron. We spent the day hanging out and catching up.
From Valdosta, it was off to Pensacola, FL. We had a reservation at the Penscaola RV Resort. This was not so much a resort. The place was very narrow, as you can see in the photo, and not much room for maneuvering.
From Valdosta, it was off to Pensacola, FL. We had a reservation at the Penscaola RV Resort. This was not so much a resort. The place was very narrow, as you can see in the photo, and not much room for maneuvering.
Tire marks from the trailer as I dragged and pushed it around to line up to our spot. Amazingly, I managed to get it done and not hit any of the vehicles that were parked in the turn around.
Tire marks from the trailer as Alan dragged and pushed it around to line up to our spot. Amazingly, Alan managed to get it done and not hit any of the vehicles that were parked in the turn around.
It was off to the Pensacola Naval Aviation Museum. The kids had a great time sitting in various cockpits and doing a couple simulator rides.
It was off to the Pensacola Naval Aviation Museum. The kids had a great time sitting in various cockpits and doing a couple simulator rides.
Evan at the stick!
Evan at the stick!
Jarek at the stick!
Jarek at the stick!
Arya is headed off to the wild blue!
Arya is headed off to the wild blue!
Garrett got in on the action. He did not want to get out of any of the mock ups.
Garrett got in on the action. He did not want to get out of any of the mock ups.
Team work time! Jarek and Arya at the controls of a E-2 Hawkeye.
Team work time! Jarek and Arya at the controls of a E-2 Hawkeye.
Swing time at the RV park. Kids enjoyed taking the opportunity to get some swinging in. Garrett enjoyed it as well.
Swing time at the RV park. Kids enjoyed taking the opportunity to get some swinging in. Garrett enjoyed it as well.
We started having some weird low power issues, mostly noticeable when operating the hydraulics. The hydraulics draw a heavy load on the battery. Troubleshooting revealed that the batteries were not charged. So here I am using the truck to try to top off the on board deep cycle batteries.
We started having some weird low power issues, mostly noticeable when operating the hydraulics. The hydraulics draw a heavy load on the battery. Troubleshooting revealed that the batteries were not charged. So here Alan is using the truck to try to top off the on board deep cycle batteries.
Here we are at the Texas Welcome Center, just across the state line. We brought the kitchen slide out to access the bathroom. When we were done, Alan was unable to close up the slide. So, Alan dragged out the two small generators we carried for this purpose. Alan hooked them up and they provided enough power to close up the slides.
Here we are at the Texas Welcome Center, just across the state line. We brought the kitchen slide out to access the bathroom. When we were done, Alan was unable to close up the slide. So, Alan dragged out the two small generators we carried for this purpose. Alan hooked them up and they provided enough power to close up the slides.
The kids had fun exploring and climbing on the structures at the welcome center.
The kids had fun exploring and climbing on the structures at the welcome center.
All lined up!
All lined up!
Time to update the map! Adding Texas and Louisiana stickers.
Time to update the map! Adding Texas and Louisiana stickers.


Map through Texas!
Map through Texas!


Garrett would like to let everyone know that his Mongolian BBQ was excellent.
Garrett would like to let everyone know that his Mongolian BBQ was excellent.
Excellent BBQ in Houston, where we met up with our friend Paul, and his family.
Excellent BBQ in Houston, where we met up with our friend Paul, and his family.
Garrett is unsure about the short guy (Paul) is next to us.
Garrett is unsure about the short guy (Paul) is next to us.
Pit stop on the way from Houston to Austin, Tx. Kids got a tasty ice cream on a hot day!
Pit stop on the way from Houston to Austin, Tx. Kids got a tasty ice cream on a hot day!
We saw some Tesla cars in their native habitat - the charger. Of course, most of their drivers were sitting in them, no doubt running their ACs. I wonder how long it takes to charge the cars. I managed to fuel the truck in about 5 minutes, for a 350 mile range pulling the RV, or 700 without.
We saw some Tesla cars in their native habitat – the charger. Of course, most of their drivers were sitting in them, no doubt running their ACs. I wonder how long it takes to charge the cars. I managed to fuel the truck in about 5 minutes, for a 350 mile range pulling the RV, or 700 without.
Did you ever feel that you were ungrounded? Discovered this on the RV power cord at the truck stop. Time for a new connector.
Did you ever feel that you were ungrounded? Discovered this on the RV power cord at the truck stop. Time for a new connector.
The offending circuit breaker. Once we got to the RV park outside Round Rock/Austin, TX, I found this to be the issue. The breaker was not allowing full voltage to pass through and charge the batteries. I ordered a new breaker and had it shipped to the RV park and installed it, and all was good again.
The offending circuit breaker. Once we got to the RV park outside Round Rock/Austin, TX, I found this to be the issue. The breaker was not allowing full voltage to pass through and charge the batteries. I ordered a new breaker and had it shipped to the RV park and installed it, and all was good again.
We made it to Uncle Brian's and the kids had a blast. Uncle Brian had some over sized lego blocks, and the kids and their cousin, Uncle David, got right to work building a fort.
We made it to Uncle Brian’s and the kids had a blast. Uncle Brian had some over sized lego blocks, and the kids and their cousin, Uncle David, got right to work building a fort.
Out to enjoy some Texas BBQ!
Out to enjoy some Texas BBQ!
Jarek inside his block fortress!
Jarek inside his block fortress!
Uncle Brian and Cousin David putting the finishing touches on the roof.
Uncle Brian and Cousin David putting the finishing touches on the roof.
Garrett is inspecting the building for durability. He found that it was quite destructable.
Garrett is inspecting the building for durability. He found that it was quite destructable.
Arya posing in front of the rebuilt fortress!
Arya posing in front of the rebuilt fortress!
Adventuers abound! One of our light switches failed and stopped working. So it was off to find a replacement switch.
Adventures abound! One of our light switches failed and stopped working. So it was off to find a replacement switch.
I called several RV dealers in the Austin area and found one that had a couple switches in stock, but they were the smaller style. Temp fix installed and operational until I was able to order the proper switch and install it.
I called several RV dealers in the Austin area and found one that had a couple switches in stock, but they were the smaller style. Temp fix installed and operational until I was able to order the proper switch and install it.
We went to Sparetime arcade and had a good time playing arcade games.
We went to Sparetime arcade and had a good time playing arcade games.
Evan and David having fun in a shoot em up game.
Evan and David having fun in a shoot em up game.
Alan and Brian teamed up on a game.
Alan and Brian teamed up on a game.
David and Evan paying Typhoon.
David and Evan paying Typhoon.
Garrett enjoyed the lights and some of the games.
Garrett enjoyed the lights and some of the games.


Family silly picture!
Family silly picture!
Our adventure wasn't over yet. This is one of the Exhaust temp sensors that failed, causing the truck to shut down. Alan tried to remove it to replace it, however the bolt broke on it. So, off to a truck shop the truck went. All of the offending sensors were replaced, so far so good.
Our adventure wasn’t over yet. This is one of the Exhaust temp sensors that failed, causing the truck to shut down. Alan tried to remove it to replace it, however the bolt broke on it. So, off to a truck shop the truck went. All of the offending sensors were replaced, so far so good.
The kids didn't mind, taking advantage of the park's pool to play and have a great time!
The kids didn’t mind, taking advantage of the park’s pool to play and have a great time!

August 2022

Garrett and big brother Jarek go diving for rings, having a great time in the pool!
Garrett and big brother Jarek go diving for rings, having a great time in the pool!
Always fast friends with other kids in the RV park, the crew had a great time playing together.
Always fast friends with other kids in the RV park, the crew had a great time playing together.


After Texas, it was north to Oklahoma!

Our first stop was a spinning demonstration. They kids were very interested in learning how to make thread and yarns from animal fiber.
Our first stop was a spinning demonstration. They kids were very interested in learning how to make thread and yarns from animal fiber.
Garrett said that this was the best thread!
Garrett said that this was the best thread!
From there, it was to see Ms. Pam, and her pig farm. The kids were very excited to learn about raising pigs, and we were the grateful recipients of awesome pork products!
From there, it was to see Ms. Pam, and her pig farm. The kids were very excited to learn about raising pigs, and we were the grateful recipients of awesome pork products!
Continuing on our Little House on the Prairie theme, we went to visit the Sod House museum.
Continuing on our Little House on the Prairie theme, we went to visit the Sod House museum.
The museum was very nice and gave us an insight into pioneer life on the plains.
The museum was very nice and gave us an insight into pioneer life on the plains.
A quick stop to the root cellar to better understand how they stored food before refrigeration.
A quick stop to the root cellar to better understand how they stored food before refrigeration.
Family shot next to the life size cutout of the previous resident of the house. Our model might need higher ceilings.
Family shot next to the life size cutout of the previous resident of the house. Our model might need higher ceilings.
One night we went to a rodeo. Everyone had a great time and we got to see some awesome cowboy culture!
One night we went to a rodeo. Everyone had a great time and we got to see some awesome cowboy culture!
The kids had a great time at the Twin Fountains RV resort pool.
The kids had a great time at the Twin Fountains RV resort pool.
I caught up with an old high school friend who had moved to OKC. We had a great time catching up.
I caught up with an old high school friend who had moved to OKC. We had a great time catching up.
Our kids made fast friends with their son, and had a great time running around.
Our kids made fast friends with their son, and had a great time running around.
From there, it was off to the Gathering Place. The kids had a great time exploring the park and all of the activities there.
From there, it was off to the Gathering Place. The kids had a great time exploring the park and all of the activities there.
Kids alongside the river bank of the Arkansas River.
Kids alongside the river bank of the Arkansas River.
Family picture at The Gathering Place. This was near a koi pond and the kids had a great time feeding the fish some bread.
Family picture at The Gathering Place. This was near a koi pond and the kids had a great time feeding the fish some bread.
We then went to the Center of the Universe, a spot with some weird acoustic properties.
We then went to the Center of the Universe, a spot with some weird acoustic properties.


After Oklahoma, we were off to Missouri.

Our first stop was the Laura Ingalls Wilder historic home.
Our first stop was the Laura Ingalls Wilder historic home.
Family picture with the cutout of Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was of a surprisingly small stature. We had a great time touring the grounds and learning about the story of her life and writing the books. We learned about a couple other books and the back story behind the writing of the books, as well as farm life.
Family picture with the cutout of Laura Ingalls Wilder. She was of a surprisingly small stature. We had a great time touring the grounds and learning about the story of her life and writing the books. We learned about a couple other books and the back story behind the writing of the books, as well as farm life.
Gratuitous glamour shot of Garrett loving on some watermelon at the playground!
Gratuitous glamour shot of Garrett loving on some watermelon at the playground!
Next stop, St. Louis. The kids enjoyed playing with another set of neighboring RV park kids and had a 'tea party' dinner.
Next stop, St. Louis. The kids enjoyed playing with another set of neighboring RV park kids and had a ‘tea party’ dinner.
Garrett explores the rope lights at our RV site.
Garrett explores the rope lights at our RV site.
Our next stop was the Gateway Arch. The museum was quite nice they did an excellent job of explaining how it was constructed.
Our next stop was the Gateway Arch. The museum was quite nice they did an excellent job of explaining how it was constructed.
Once we made it up to the top, the kids were all about looking out at the amazing views.
Once we made it up to the top, the kids were all about looking out at the amazing views.
The view of East St. Louis, Illinois from the arch.
The view of East St. Louis, Illinois from the arch.
The view of St. Louis (west) from the arch.
The view of St. Louis (west) from the arch.
Garrett showed no fear. He was all about climbing up and looking out the window.
Garrett showed no fear. He was all about climbing up and looking out the window.
Family picture in front of the arch.
Family picture in front of the arch.
After we toured the Arch, we took a riverboat cruise up and down the Mississippi River.
After we toured the Arch, we took a riverboat cruise up and down the Mississippi River.
Jarek, Arya, and Evan enjoying the cruise and taking in the sights. We learned about barges and about the amount of goods that travel downriver to market.
Jarek, Arya, and Evan enjoying the cruise and taking in the sights. We learned about barges and about the amount of goods that travel downriver to market.
The Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge as seen from the river.
The Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge as seen from the river.
The Gateway Arch as seen from the river.
The Gateway Arch as seen from the river.
Back alongside the pier, kids explore a channel marker buoy that had washed up on shore.
Back alongside the pier, kids explore a channel marker buoy that had washed up on shore.
The hooligans took the opportunity to get in some exercise and some 'wrasslin' on the park grounds.
The hooligans took the opportunity to get in some exercise and some ‘wrasslin’ on the park grounds.
Another adventure! Checking on the trailer tires throughout the trip, I noticed that they had not been wearing properly. The wear had progressed to a point that was becoming concerning. I ordered a new set of tires to meet us up ahead.
Another adventure! Checking on the trailer tires throughout the trip, I noticed that they had not been wearing properly. The wear had progressed to a point that was becoming concerning. I ordered a new set of tires to meet us up ahead.
The Kids enjoying a swing while we visited a friend in Kansas City, KS.
The Kids enjoying a swing while we visited a friend in Kansas City, KS.


Ashland, VA as a storm rolled in. We were in town to meet up with a friend, as well as a stop over on our way to South Dakota. We discovered a historical marker for the Ox-Bow Trail, which was interesting to read about.
Ashland, VA as a storm rolled in. We were in town to meet up with a friend, as well as a stop over on our way to South Dakota. We discovered a historical marker for the Ox-Bow Trail, which was interesting to read about.
Jellystone Park, South Dakota. The kids were very excited when we got here, as they got to play on the jumping pillow with a bunch of other kids.
Jellystone Park, South Dakota. The kids were very excited when we got here, as they got to play on the jumping pillow with a bunch of other kids.
We also got a chance to visit a local emergency room. Evan had some hot dog juice splashed in his face and eye. We had him checked out, and everything was ok. He was a trooper and did great while getting checked out.
We also got a chance to visit a local emergency room. Evan had some hot dog juice splashed in his face and eye. We had him checked out, and everything was ok. He was a trooper and did great while getting checked out.
Exciting day! - the tires I ordered showed up. I ordered five, to replace the spare, but only four showed up.
Exciting day! – the tires I ordered showed up. I ordered five, to replace the spare, but only four showed up.
Updated map through South Dakota!
Updated map through South Dakota!
Pit crew in action! Jarek and Evan helped me out and learned a bit about changing tires.
Pit crew in action! Jarek and Evan helped me out and learned a bit about changing tires.
Evan helping loosen and remove lug nuts.
Evan helping loosen and remove lug nuts.
Beautiful country in South Dakota!
Beautiful country in South Dakota!
Jarek helping me torque the lugnuts with the new wheels.
Jarek helping me torque the lug nuts with the new wheels.
The Jellystone park had a great pool that the kids enjoyed swimming in!
The Jellystone park had a great pool that the kids enjoyed swimming in!
Garrett had a great time as well!
Garrett had a great time as well!
The view of the Ingalls homestead site in De Smet, South Dakota.
The view of the Ingalls homestead site in De Smet, South Dakota.
Evan modeling a bonnet.
Evan modeling a bonnet.
Jarek, Arya, Evan at the top of the observation tower at the homestead site.
Jarek, Arya, Evan at the top of the observation tower at the homestead site.
The kids all loaded up in the wagon for their journey west.
The kids all loaded up in the wagon for their journey west.
Ma and Pa in the wagon with Garrett ready for the trip!
Ma and Pa in the wagon with Garrett ready for the trip!
The family in a sod house they had on site. The smallness was something else.
The family in a sod house they had on site. The smallness was something else.
Tar paper shanty. They had a tar paper shanty, which is one of the homes that the Ingalls lived in during their movement west.
Tar paper shanty. They had a tar paper shanty, which is one of the homes that the Ingalls lived in during their movement west.
Inside the tar paper shanty.
Inside the tar paper shanty.
A view of the plains and homestead. Their stable is on the right.
A view of the plains and homestead. Their stable is on the right.
Evan and Garrett make friends with the barn cats in the stable.
Evan and Garrett make friends with the barn cats in the stable.
Arya works the water pump on their well.
Arya works the water pump on their well.
The Heirloom Garden on the site.
The Heirloom Garden on the site.
Jarek works the push mower in front of the farm house reconstruction.
Jarek works the push mower in front of the farm house reconstruction.
Evan takes a turn at doing some laundry.
Evan takes a turn at doing some laundry.
Arya standing with the colt.
Arya standing with the colt.
Kids loaded up on the wagon ready to go to school!
Kids loaded up on the wagon ready to go to school!
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Jarek has the reins here.
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Jarek has the reins here.
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Arya has the reins here.
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Arya has the reins here.
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Evan has the reins here.
Each of the kids got a chance to drive. Evan has the reins here.
Jarek and Arya donned some period clothes and recited a lesson out of a period reader.
Jarek and Arya donned some period clothes and recited a lesson out of a period reader.
A wide view of the one room school house.
A wide view of the one room school house.
Garrett examined the chairs during the lesson.
Garrett examined the chairs during the lesson.
Our three pupils at the front of the classroom for their school photo.
Our three pupils at the front of the classroom for their school photo.
Evan makes rope with the help of one of the staff members.
Evan makes rope with the help of one of the staff members.
Jarek works the corn shucking machine. The corn cobs were then used to make corn cob dolls.
Jarek works the corn shucking machine. The corn cobs were then used to make corn cob dolls.
Jarek up on one of the buggies that was out for display.
Jarek up on one of the buggies that was out for display.
We went to visit the Surveyor's House, which the Ingalls wintered in one year. It was closed at the time, however.
We went to visit the Surveyor’s House, which the Ingalls wintered in one year. It was closed at the time, however.
Group photo with Yogi Bear!
Group photo with Yogi Bear!
We drove across Minnesota. No stops there, but some neat weather on the way.
We drove across Minnesota. No stops there, but some neat weather on the way.
We arrived in Wisconsin, and checked out the Ingalls museum there in Pepin. They had a tapestry of all the moves she made in her life.
We arrived in Wisconsin, and checked out the Ingalls museum there in Pepin. They had a tapestry of all the moves she made in her life.
Meagan and Jarek checking out the pioneer life display.
Meagan and Jarek checking out the pioneer life display.
We then drove to see the reconstruction of the log home that the Wilders started out in.
We then drove to see the reconstruction of the log home that the Wilders started out in.
Kids in front of the Wilder fireplace.
Kids in front of the Wilder fireplace.
Another interior shot. It was interesting to note how low the ceilings were. Three, maybe four rooms if you were being generous - two bedrooms/storage, loft, and a common room.
Another interior shot. It was interesting to note how low the ceilings were. Three, maybe four rooms if you were being generous – two bedrooms/storage, loft, and a common room.
We went out to lunch at a nearby restaurant. Kids got their seat sorted!
We went out to lunch at a nearby restaurant. Kids got their seat sorted!
Garrett at the wheel!
Garrett at the wheel!
Wisconsin and Michigan on the map!
Wisconsin and Michigan on the map!
Roadside stop in Michigan.
Roadside stop in Michigan.
The kids were excited to stop and play in the waters of Lake Michigan!
The kids were excited to stop and play in the waters of Lake Michigan!
Meagan and the kids walk out into the Lake.
Meagan and the kids walk out into the Lake.
Mandatory sand castle building time!
Mandatory sand castle building time!
Garrett explores the workings of a work light.
Garrett explores the workings of a work light.
We visited Meagan's with Aunt Barbara. The kids had a great time playing games and exploring in the woods.
We visited Meagan’s with Aunt Barbara. The kids had a great time playing games and exploring in the woods.
Alan with Uncle Gerald and Aunt Barb on the porch.
Alan with Uncle Gerald and Aunt Barb on the porch.
We celebrated Garrett's first birthday while visiting. He enjoyed smashing his cake!
We celebrated Garrett’s first birthday while visiting. He enjoyed smashing his cake!
Jarek adds Indiana to the map. This was a one night stop on the way back home. It wast interesting in that we had to dodge a low bridge that wasn't on the GPS, but we avoided it and saved our air conditioners!
Jarek adds Indiana to the map. This was a one night stop on the way back home. It wast interesting in that we had to dodge a low bridge that wasn’t on the GPS, but we avoided it and saved our air conditioners!
Garrett supervises a snake and packing up the RV for the road!
Garrett supervises a snake and packing up the RV for the road!
Over nighting in Pennsylvania. This was our last stop before home.
Over nighting in Pennsylvania. This was our last stop before home.
No bike light? Grab a work light! Nothing stops the night riders!
No bike light? Grab a work light! Nothing stops the night riders!
Arya helps add the last stickers to the map. Ohio and Pennsylvania!
Arya helps add the last stickers to the map. Ohio and Pennsylvania!
The post trip map!
The post trip map!
The Delaware Memorial Bridge headed back to New Jersey!
The Delaware Memorial Bridge headed back to New Jersey!
Back at home reading a book for bed time!
Back at home reading a book for bed time!
Nap time! Garrett tucked in Daddy for nap time! or was it, Daddy tucking Garrett for nap time?
Nap time! Garrett tucked in Daddy for nap time! or was it, Daddy tucking Garrett for nap time?
No rest for the weary! - Once we got back fall Soccer season started up.
No rest for the weary! – Once we got back fall Soccer season started up.


September 2022

Back home, Gambit was quite ready to take it easy! Nothing like curling up inside your favorite plastic bin!
Back home, Gambit was quite ready to take it easy! Nothing like curling up inside your favorite plastic bin!
Before we left, I picked up some pork loin on sale. Now it was time to cook it. So I prepped it and smoke the lot of it, sliced it, and then vacuum sealed and froze it for ready made meals.
Before we left, Alan picked up some pork loin on sale. Now it was time to cook it. So Alan prepped it and smoke the lot of it, sliced it, and then vacuum sealed and froze it for ready made meals.
Daredevil Ducky here. He managed to ninja up the stairs before we stopped him. So Alan followed him up so he could get the satisfaction of climbing!
Before we left, I picked up some pork loin on sale. Now it was time to cook it. So I prepped it and smoke the lot of it, sliced it, and then vacuum sealed and froze it for ready made meals.
It didn't take very long for the kids to get back into the pool and make the best of the last days of summer!
It didn’t take very long for the kids to get back into the pool and make the best of the last days of summer!
Off to the shop. Alan is taking the RV to the RV repair shop who would replace the roof and repair the tree damage from the RV trip.
Off to the shop. Alan is taking the RV to the RV repair shop who would replace the roof and repair the tree damage from the RV trip.
Jarek was my co-pilot on this trip. Here we are at the Blue and Gray cafe in Gettysburg, PA.
Jarek was my co-pilot on this trip. Here we are at the Blue and Gray cafe in Gettysburg, PA.
Arya and Evan on the field for Soccer!
Arya and Evan on the field for Soccer!
Garrett was the team mascot and made sure the everyone was doing ok!
Garrett was the team mascot and made sure the everyone was doing ok!
Meagan and the kids, along with neighbor Mary and daughter Bella went to the Batsto Village, a historic site in New Jersey.
Meagan and the kids, along with neighbor Mary and daughter Bella went to the Batsto Village, a historic site in New Jersey.
Catching up on processing firewood collected in the spring, Jarek was a helper as Alan split the wood.
Catching up on processing firewood collected in the spring, Jarek was a helper as Alan split the wood.
Arya and Bella playing.
Arya and Bella playing.
Shortly after returning from our trip, efforts to begin packing and vacating the house in preparation for sale. Garrett wanted to make sure all the boxes were packed properly.
Shortly after returning from our trip, efforts to begin packing and vacating the house in preparation for sale. Shortly after returning from our trip, efforts to begin packing and vacating the house in preparation for sale. Garrett wanted to make sure all the boxes were packed properly.
And so it begins - our first storage unit starts to fill up.
And so it begins – our first storage unit starts to fill up.
Alan took the Cub Scout Den on a hike through the Rancocas Nature Preserve.
Alan took the Cub Scout Den on a hike through the Rancocas Nature Preserve.
Time to tame the wild. Alan starts to trim back the mountain man beard as a satisfied Meagan looks on.
Time to tame the wild. Alan starts to trim back the mountain man beard as a satisfied Meagan looks on.
Close up shot of the mountain man beard as it is trimmed back. It had gotten to be rather impressive over the four months of growth or so.
Close up shot of the mountain man beard as it is trimmed back. It had gotten to be rather impressive over the four months of growth or so.
Evan on the field during a soccer game.
Evan on the field during a soccer game.
Alan is the designated Garrett keeper during games. Garrett didn't mind snuggling up when it was cool, although sometimes he wandered down to poach snacks from other unsuspecting spectators!
Alan is the designated Garrett keeper during games. Garrett didn’t mind snuggling up when it was cool, although sometimes he wandered down to poach snacks from other unsuspecting spectators!
Post game cupcakes!
Post game cupcakes!
Joey and Jacob, from the home school group, came over to visit.
Joey and Jacob, from the home school group, came over to visit.
Their visit quickly turned into a kid pile!
Their visit quickly turned into a kid pile!
Jarek takes on a challenger at chess at one of the home school co-ops.
Jarek takes on a challenger at chess at one of the home school co-ops.
Gambit finds the best places to lay. Here is supervising the truck which was recently used for moving firewood.
Gambit finds the best places to lay. Here is supervising the truck which was recently used for moving firewood.
More boxes, and another storage unit. The house gets a little emptier.
More boxes, and another storage unit. The house gets a little emptier.
Garrett at the neighbors inspecting the go kart. He's a fan of all things with a steering wheel.
Garrett at the neighbors inspecting the go kart. He’s a fan of all things with a steering wheel.
Neat stick bug Alan found on the trailer one evening when I went out to load it.
Neat stick bug Alan found on the trailer one evening when I went out to load it.
New Jersey sunset.
New Jersey sunset.


October 2022


October was a busy month of packing and preparation for listing the house. We did take a trip with some fellow home school families to a local farm that was set up for hosting school groups.
October was a busy month of packing and preparation for listing the house. We did take a trip with some fellow home school families to a local farm that was set up for hosting school groups.
Swings are always a good time for the crew!
Swings are always a good time for the crew!
With the coming of Halloween, V&V farms hosts a corn maze among other activities. Here, we found our children of the corn!
With the coming of Halloween, V&V farms hosts a corn maze among other activities. Here, we found our children of the corn!
We had a great time trekking through the maze. Alan ran a GPS trace on the hike to follow the path.
We had a great time trekking through the maze. Alan ran a GPS trace on the hike to follow the path.
October also means apple harvest. We had a farm store just down the road that offered apple 'seconds' at a cheap price. The kids along with friend and fellow Cub Scout, Blake, pressed the apples into fresh cider.
October also means apple harvest. We had a farm store just down the road that offered apple ‘seconds’ at a cheap price. The kids along with friend and fellow Cub Scout, Blake, pressed the apples into fresh cider.
Jarek puts the last few turns on this batch of apples.
Jarek puts the last few turns on this batch of apples.
The chickens were all in on the apple pressing as well. They enjoyed the remnants and wasted no time in converting them into eggs!
The chickens were all in on the apple pressing as well. They enjoyed the remnants and wasted no time in converting them into eggs!
Road trip time! Jarek went with Alan on the first trip to haul the Bronco to Florida, along with various other items. The house was starting to empty out now.
Road trip time! Jarek went with Alan on the first trip to haul the Bronco to Florida, along with various other items. The house was starting to empty out now.
While Jarek and Alan were on the road, Arya and Evan hit up a trunk or treat with Bella.
While Jarek and Alan were on the road, Arya and Evan hit up a trunk or treat with Bella.
Jarek was very excited to unhook the U-haul trailer when we turned it in.He learned a lot on the trip about towing and moving things.
Jarek was very excited to unhook the U-haul trailer when we turned it in.He learned a lot on the trip about towing and moving things.
Back in New Jersey, the gang was back together for trick or treating!
Back in New Jersey, the gang was back together for trick or treating!
Garrett made good use of the empty rooms of the house, running his car all over!
Garrett made good use of the empty rooms of the house, running his car all over!
Even though we were moving, pumpkins still needed to be carved!
Even though we were moving, pumpkins still needed to be carved!
The crew ready to roll with their skeleton and pumpkins!
The crew ready to roll with their skeleton and pumpkins!
These were some tired bones after getting all the candy!
These were some tired bones after getting all the candy!


November 2022

The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
The leaves are turning colors at our old home in New Jersey. A couple shots of the trees in the yard.
Our home in New Jersey, empty, as we move out in the Fall of 2022. The leaves of the surrounding oaks have begun to turn and drop.
Our home in New Jersey, empty, as we move out in the Fall of 2022. The leaves of the surrounding oaks have begun to turn and drop.
Arya poses in front of a corn field near Gettysburg, PA. She came with me to pick up Big Country from the repairs.
Arya poses in front of a corn field near Gettysburg, PA. She came with me to pick up Big Country from the repairs.
All fixed up with the new awning installed and side wall damage repaired from the earlier tree incident.
All fixed up with the new awning installed and side wall damage repaired from the earlier tree incident.
Fueling up at a truck stop. The kids always love to help out and wash the windows when we stop for fuel.
Fueling up at a truck stop. The kids always love to help out and wash the windows when we stop for fuel.
Soccer team photo at the end of their youth league season.
Soccer team photo at the end of their youth league season.
Family picture at our last day at the house, before we vacate it for closing.
Family picture at our last day at the house, before we vacate it for closing.
Garrett is fascinated by shoes. He is trying on my boots, but has a little ways to go yet to fill them!
Garrett is fascinated by shoes. He is trying on my boots, but has a little ways to go yet to fill them!
At the campground where we will stay for a month finishing out the home school co-ops. The kids enjoyed bouncing on the jumping pillow. They were able to get on the pillow most days, but as it got colder and wetter, those days became fewer.
At the campground where we will stay for a month finishing out the home school co-ops. The kids enjoyed bouncing on the jumping pillow. They were able to get on the pillow most days, but as it got colder and wetter, those days became fewer.
Garrett helps out during the Cub Scout food drive, Scouting for Food. We were sorting all of the collected food items into their various groups and checking for expired items.
Garrett helps out during the Cub Scout food drive, Scouting for Food. We were sorting all of the collected food items into their various groups and checking for expired items.
Team picture of all of the kids that work on the 2022 Food Drive
Team picture of all of the kids that work on the 2022 Food Drive
Turkey day was upon us once again. Alan smoked two turkeys, spatchcocked style. This way they were cut open along the breast bone and it helps them cook faster and more evenly.
Turkey day was upon us once again. Alan smoked two turkeys, spatchcock style. This way they were cut open along the breast bone and it helps them cook faster and more evenly.

December 2022

Garrett tries out some camouflage to sneak around in.
Garrett tries out some camouflage to sneak around in.
Garrett naptime in the RV.
Garrett naptime in the RV.
All dressed up for the home school co-op holiday party.
All dressed up for the home school co-op holiday party.
Our home for the month of November to December. Referred to as "swampy hollow."
Our home for the month of November to December. Referred to as “swampy hollow.”
On the move! Rest stop in Maryland on the drive south toward warmer climes in Florida.
On the move! Rest stop in Maryland on the drive south toward warmer climes in Florida.
Over nighting at the Cherry Hill campground in Maryland.
Over nighting at the Cherry Hill campground in Maryland.
The hooligans out for some tablet time while Meagan prepares dinner.
The hooligans out for some tablet time while Meagan prepares dinner.
Playing with the Starlink Antenna. Alan placed it on top of the truck to get a good view of the sky. The Starlink internet service would become highly valued as we visited many RV parks with poor cell service and poor or no wifi.
Playing with the Starlink Antenna. Alan placed it on top of the truck to get a good view of the sky. The Starlink internet service would become highly valued as we visited many RV parks with poor cell service and poor or no wifi.
Pulling into the Carolina Crossroads RV park in North Carolina. This park had no wifi or cell service, which was mitigated wonderfully by the Starlink.
Pulling into the Carolina Crossroads RV park in North Carolina. This park had no wifi or cell service, which was mitigated wonderfully by the Starlink.
The park did have a great play boat that the kids loved to climb on. Evan reached the top of the mast!
The park did have a great play boat that the kids loved to climb on. Evan reached the top of the mast!
Arya and Evan with Alan at a rest stop, learning about the local Civil War history. We were moving south to Walterboro, SC for our last overnight of the trip.
Arya and Evan with Alan at a rest stop, learning about the local Civil War history. We were moving south to Walterboro, SC for our last overnight of the trip.
Garrett inspects the tires after we arrive at the RV park to make sure everything is ok!
Garrett inspects the tires after we arrive at the RV park to make sure everything is ok!
Afterwards, Garrett let us know he was ready for bed. He found a blanket and decided that was good enough!
Afterwards, Garrett let us know he was ready for bed. He found a blanket and decided that was good enough!
Stopped at a rest stop in Georgia, we had an oversized load pull in near us. The driver was very kind and the kids got an excellent opportunity to learn about hauling overweight and over size loads.
Stopped at a rest stop in Georgia, we had an oversized load pull in near us. The driver was very kind and the kids got an excellent opportunity to learn about hauling overweight and over size loads.
Garrett performed a courtesy wheel check on the big rig as well.
Garrett performed a courtesy wheel check on the big rig as well.
Everyone got an opportunity to sit in the seat. Everyone was very excited about it!
Everyone got an opportunity to sit in the seat. Everyone was very excited about it!
Back in Florida! Grandma came over to say hi!
Back in Florida! Grandma came over to say hi!
Evan helps to cook breakfast. He has quite taken to helping cook.
Evan helps to cook breakfast. He has quite taken to helping cook.
Garrett wants to help as well. Here, he checks on the cookware to make sure it is up to snuff!
Garrett wants to help as well. Here, he checks on the cookware to make sure it is up to snuff!
Garrett is a busy boss baby! Here he is on a call, just like Mommy and Daddy do!
Garrett is a busy boss baby! Here he is on a ‘call’, just like Mommy and Daddy do!
RV maintenance - Prepping for sealant removal and replacement. Alan used the 3M 5200 Fast Cure product to reseal all of the joints.
RV maintenance – Prepping for sealant removal and replacement. Alan used the 3M 5200 Fast Cure product to reseal all of the joints.
At a "Family Dinner Night", Garrett helps load the dishwasher afterward. He is very interested in helping to clean up.
At a “Family Dinner Night”, Garrett helps load the dishwasher afterward. He is very interested in helping to clean up.
On the Move again! - Fire and Water hike in Old Jennings State Forest.
On the Move again! – Fire and Water hike in Old Jennings State Forest.
Meagan and Garrett on the hike as well. Garrett had all the hiking he could handle.
Meagan and Garrett on the hike as well. Garrett had all the hiking he could handle.
We signed up for a demo class on Ju Jitsu. Arya enjoyed it.
We signed up for a demo class on Ju Jitsu. Arya enjoyed it.
Garrett at the Clarke Park in Orange Park, FL.
Garrett at the Clarke Park in Orange Park, FL.
Evan and Jarek help Alan disconnect the new cargo trailer. This trailer would be used to haul our household goods out of NJ in the coming months.
Evan and Jarek help Alan disconnect the new cargo trailer. This trailer would be used to haul our household goods out of NJ in the coming months.
Arya's birthday party with the neighborhood kids enjoy a bouncey house obstacle course.
Arya’s birthday party with the neighborhood kids enjoy a bouncy house obstacle course.
Nothing like some quality time around a camp fire roasting hot dogs and making S'mores!
Nothing like some quality time around a camp fire roasting hot dogs and making S’mores!
Garrett enjoys some tasty pasta and sauce!
Garrett enjoys some tasty pasta and sauce!
Jarek and Garrett explore buoyancy and ship building.
Jarek and Garrett explore buoyancy and ship building.
Time for another batch of bacon. Alan has 25 lbs of bacon in the smoker for final processing.
Time for another batch of bacon. Alan has 25 lbs of bacon in the smoker for final processing.
New Year's Eve party with all of the kids!
New Year’s Eve party with all of the kids!


2022 was a full year – Navy retirement, a 73 day, nearly 10,000 mile RV trip over the summer coming back to pack out the house, sell, it and move.

2023 brings us more road trips – moving our household goods out of New Jersey, another RV trip, searching for our new homestead, and an expected delivery Summer 2023!

Thanks for taking the time to read about our journey!

2 thoughts on “2022 In Review”

  1. Very nice photo documentation of a very busy year! I’m dizzy just going through it! The kids are having a great education about the country.



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